Enhancing the birth “cave”

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

The environment in which a woman gives birth is so powerful and full of impact. I talk a lot about this in regards to the mother bear. The bear instinctively retreats to the hollow of a wise, old tree to birth her cubs-- a beautiful and safe retreat for the vulnerable and transformative experience that is to come! 

Throughout history, women have also been seen to retreat to safe places such as the hollow of a tree. Women literally find the "cave" of their environments. It is seen over and over again that women like their feet on the floor and instinctively choose a small dark space to birth within. (You would not believe how many babies are born in tiny bathrooms!! As the bathroom is often the most "cave" like space in a woman's environment.)

The birth "cave," can either provide privacy, support, and safety for the birthing woman or hostility, fear, and anxiety. These emotional and psychological factors play very important roles in the labor, birth, and immediate postpartum experience, which is why I feel so strongly about sharing these three tips with you!


Tip No. 1: Pick Your Attendees Wisely. 

This is a VERY important aspect of building your birth cave. In labor, you will likely moan and groan, take off your clothing, and move your body in organic and instinctual ways. You will most likely sweat, pee, poop, vomit, cry, bleed... And the even crazier part is that these activities are NORMAL and ENCOURAGED!! Do not invite anyone to your birth that might inhibit your comfort level and ability to do these things!

This is not true for everyone.. but the smaller the crowd.. the better!!! Many people may mean many voices, which can be very distracting and possibly annoying to the laboring person. It may make you feel like a "meanie" to say "no" when family or friends ask if they can attend the birth of your child, and they may even become offended or upset upon hearing your answer... but they WILL get over it as soon as they see you with your sweet baby, if not sooner! 

Once you are deep in the labyrinth of labor, you won't be able to corral family members or friends and protect your cave. Partners, doulas, and care providers can do this for you and act as guardians of the birth space, wrapping our wide and wonderful wings around you in a glowing protection. Choose attendees that are aware of this deep and powerful responsibility. 

Choosing who you invite into your birth space may be one of your first experiences, of many throughout parenthood, that involve the concept of healthy boundaries. It. is. difficult. BUT oh so important. 


Tip No. 2: Turn Down the Lights.

Dim lighting promotes oxytocin production and relaxation! Oxytocin is the "love" hormone and plays an important role in labor and birth (and sex!). More on this in another post, perhaps? :) 

Turn off those overhead lights and light some candles or a dimly lit essential oil diffuser. 

It is simple, but you'll be surprised what a difference this makes. 

Tip No. 3: Just Add Water! 

Water can be an AMAZING tool to use throughout labor. 

First of all, it is crucial to stay well hydrated throughout labor and the immediate postpartum. Your body is working hard!!! Fuel it as much as possible. A very helpful tip for doulas and partners is to offer sips of water or electrolyte replacement drink between each contraction. Oh, and bendy straws can make a world a difference! ;) 

Not only is water hydrating, but it can also be a brilliant tool for copying and relaxing through the sensations of contractions. 

Many women love laboring in the shower. The water coming from above and running across the belly and back can be very grounding and relaxing. It also helps if the laboring woman continues to stand upright as she uses the shower as a tool, therefore continuing the encouragement of gravity to work with her labor. 

Bathtubs and birth pools are another very popular way to use water in labor. The enveloping warmth brings a unique relaxation to a lot of laboring women. Many women even birth their babies underwater. The warm water also helps soften tissue and aids in preventing tearing. 

So, there you have it! Three practical tips for enhancing and fostering the birth "cave." 

Feel free to share your favorite tips in the comments below! Thanks!

Peace and blessings, 


The fine art of palpation


Mother Bear